
Friday 12 April 2013

New beginnings.

New home, new job, new adventures. A lot has happened in the last year and so much has changed. Seb and I are finally settled and it feels good to have what appears to be a permanent place to call home. We love it. It's a sweet mid- terrace house in Tonbridge. Neat garden with a shed, perfect for summer BBQ gatherings. Just waiting for the weather to improve now. Whilst we wait can you guess the location of this photo from one of our adventures?

Saturday 7 January 2012

Tutorial: DIY Coasters

This year I managed to make a fair few Christmas presents for family and friends. I was particularly proud of the coasters I made.

They were pretty easy to make, I'm afraid I have no tutorial pictures at present but will try to explain anyway.


You will need:
Mod Podge
4" x 4" tiles
Scrapbook papers

1. Take your scrapbook paper, measure and cut out the required number of squares I made mine 3.5" x 3.5" to give some white around the edges.
2. Grab a tile and using the Mod Podge, glue the paper to the top of the tile. Align to the center.
3. Mod Podge over the top of the paper right to the edges of the tile, this will give it a varnished look.
4. Wait for the Mod Podge to dry. Paste another coat on top. Repeat until you have the desired effect.I did 4 coats in total.
5. During the drying process why not cut the felt to size. Here you can simply draw around the tile onto the felt and cut out each square.
6. Glue the felt to the base of the tile. This will stop them from scratching surfaces.

Viola. Complete.
Now show them off to all who enter your home.

Saturday 31 December 2011

Wishes for 2012

People often have a New Year's Resolution, I'm not one to assign myself to something that will inevitably end in failure. I'm not just being all pessimistic and negative, there really is evidence that the majority (about 88%) of New Year's Resolutions end in failure due to a number of circumstances, usually the main reasons are that resolutions are unrealistic and are often to vague.

As a result I don't set myself a series of resolutions or even a single resolution in order to promote self-change within myself. And I still will not be creating any this year.

However this year I am going to try something I've not done before. I'm going to identify a number of aims I wish to complete or work towards during the coming year, therefore if I don't complete them at least I have worked towards my wishes for the year.

Here they are, my wishes for 2012

1) Search and apply for teaching jobs, hopefully gain a teaching job.
2) Find an affordable home for Seb and I to live comfortably in again.
3) Do things that will make the world a better place.

Best wishes for 2012, I hope it brings you many laughs and adventures.
*high five*

Victoria. x

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Adventures in Fire Making

Christmas morning I woke, we cuddled and then I was given a small present by Seb. I unwrapped my brown paper parcel to find a cute tin with buttons on top. First instinct was sewing kit. Opened it, peeked inside to find a lovely fire lighting kit. It comprised of a fire striker, some char-cloth and birch bark. I was pleased, very pleased.

Today I decided I would try my hand at fire starting. I packed my rucksack with a saw, a book, an inflatable cushion, a bottle of water, a microwaved baked potato, a small amount of cheese and some leftover stuffing. Oh of course not forgetting the most important item, my fire lighting kit. I took a stroll down to the woods. Selected a patch of land we had previously had a fire on and cleared it of leaves. Next it was time to collect fire wood. I rambled around the woodland in search of fire wood of all kinds of sizes. I even went a bit ambitious and used the saw the cut a few good sized chunks of dead wood.

I started my fire preparation by selecting a few small twigs for kindling and placed then plat in a row on the ground. Next I rolled up a number of dried leaves, I loved the crunching sound they made as I rolled. Anyway next I placed the small twigs in a square around the leaves, criss-crossing the twigs as a I went.

Then the fun part, I got out the fire striker, the char-cloth and the birch back. I carefully placed the char cloth on a dry leave and used the fire striker to create sparks to light the char cloth. Success. I lit the char-cloth and wrapped it in the birch bark and kept blowing to keep it ignited. Placed it in the fire and kept blowing. Fire. Whoot. Success. Whoot. Blow. Ahhh flames gone out.

Boo. Yep that's right, I blew slightly to hard and out went the flames. All of them. I repeated the process for a good hour until I'd used up all the birch bark and only had a teeny tiny amount of char cloth left and then no success followed. Despite my failings in fire starting I had a joyous time by myself in the outdoors. Before heading home I sat on my inflatable cushion, ate the cold stuffing and pondered on how despite how wintery if felt (even if the temperature was mild for this time of year) how beautiful the outdoors is, the sounds, the sights, just everything about it. We only have one planet and really should look after it the best we can.


Saturday 10 December 2011

The problems of giving...

This post title may make me sound like a humbug but I'm having a real problem with giving gifts and such this Christmas to work colleagues. I've been at my current workplace since the beginning of October now and I still don't feel I know the staff well enough to know what to get as 1) a secret santa gift and 2) a whole workplace gift/s.

I won't go into details about the secret santa gifts at the moment just in case... but I'll say this has been so difficult. Whilst the workplace gifts... I am seriously stumped. I know they like food there are often cakes, sweets or biscuits in the staffroom so thought perhaps I could make some cake pops? or felt snowflake baubles (but then I'd have to make 15) or I could just be normal and make cards. But I hate giving them as I feel they produce so much waste but how else do you show people you do not know very well that you wish them a seasonal cheer.

Ah such a tricky one. Oh well. On ward we go.

Friday 9 December 2011

Snow? Please!

I've just been going through a few pictures from the past few years in search of seasonal images for digital Christmas messages for friends back in Wales. I don't do real Christmas cards as I feel they produce too much waste and feel a personalised digital card is more appropriate for my planet loving ffrindiau (meaning friends in welsh) back home.

I liked this photo the most, it was taken back in 2009 in Tunbridge Wells. Seb was working and I had the day off so I went wondering over the common. I took loads of photos that day but this one really caught my eye this evening. I'd never really noticed it before.

Most of the photos had been taken over the past two years during the snowy periods right around this time of year. Where is the snow this year? I've really enjoyed the snow in the past and this year I am overly prepared (which is probably why we haven't seen any as of yet). I love the snow, it's beautiful and so much fun when I get to play in it with Seb. If as a nation we were all prepared for snow then we would not have experienced the problems we had experienced in recent years. But anyway... I really would like some snow to play in.

And here are a couple of photos of the fun Seb, Tazz (the dog) and I have had in the snow.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Wake up, freak out.

As any that knows me will already know I passionately believe in man-made climate change and feel major steps need to be taken to firstly mitigate against the future impacts, secondly to reduce the green house gases that are causing the global climate to change so rapidly and thirdly that we need to doas much as possible to ensure we do not reach the tipping point at which irreversible climate change will occur.

From current science it is clear that climate change is already taking place on a global scale but in the future if we do not significantly reduce the emissions we as a global society are creating there will be no turning back and the impacts will be catastrophic particularly for the worlds poor.

In light of this, here is a video I find inspiring and hope you will enjoy. It's hard hitting, gets the point across but reminds you that we haven't reached the tipping point yet. If we work together, we can mitigate the future impacts of climate change but we must take action now.

On a big scale:
We need a deal to be made at the COP17 in Durban, without a formal successor to the current Kyoto agreement action on rising emissions and climate change will be halted again, possibly pushing the world closer to that tipping point. As I read recently, if we don't make the economical, social, political and environmental commitments now, in comparison our current issues will be like a tea party in comparison to the issues of the future.

On a small scale:
Do what you can to reduce your personal emissions, even the smallest of action will be of benefit.

Sunday 27 November 2011

Productive days make me smile.

Ever have those days when it feels like you've done so much? Yeah me too, in fact I had one today.
I started by doing some resource evaluations for the Friends of the Earth Youth and Education network followed by making apple sauce in order to bake my favourite vegan banana bread (yes i did come up with the recipe myself and yes I am biased). I then followed that by making spiced apple chutney and then by cooking a roast dinner for Seb, Seb's Grandma, Seb's Aunt Sally and myself. I do love a good roast with really crispy potatoes... yum. It felt like I did so much but when I put it into a list like that it sounds like so little. Any way I polished my day off with a shower and buying Christmas presents online. Sorted. In fact I've done quite well with Christmas presents this year, I've already made a bunch of them and only have my mums left to make or buy. Still undecided on what to give her, Seb keeps suggesting a punch in the face but I don't think she's appreciate that, my brother might however.

I can't wait to give this years presents since I really enjoy the outcome of them and want to share them with those I care about. I'll even add some pictures of the gifts after Christmas.

Right so on that note I think I might head over to Pinterest to see if I can get any inspiration of what to make for my mother. Tata.

Victoria. x

Tuesday 22 November 2011

You just have to keep going and roll with it...

Today I found out some news that made me somewhat sad. Dave McWane of the band Big D and the Kids Tables has supposedly been diagnosed with throat cancer according to the UK/Europe booking company, which majorly sucks. He's a great guy, songwriter, performer and story teller. The band have cancelled the rest of their European tour (understandably) and are heading back to the states.

I have to say it has made me sad yet again to know that shit happens to some great people. I often get upset by stories about global inequalities, the impact of climate change, environmental disasters etc.etc and maybe I am a little to sensitive some times, but it just upsets me how unfair this world is. Seb says we just have to keep going and roll with it otherwise we will never see the positives amongst the negatives. We have to take what life throws our way and deal with it, overcome it and become stronger for it. He is right, we'd never recognise the beauty of life if it weren't hidden amongst the ugliness of it's surroundings. 

My thoughts are with Dave, his family and his band at this difficult time. I'm sure he'll be back up and rocking out again in no time. If I had a pint, I'd raise in the hope of quick treatment and speedy recovery.

Keep positive.

Saturday 19 November 2011

Try out your voice... use it, now use it. We are the people.

I've had an awesome time this week. I went to see one of the bands I really respect, not just once but twice this week. Anyone that knows me, they are likely to be able to guess which band it was since you have a choice of Big D and the Kids Table (US), Adequate Seven (Split up), RX Bandits (soon to take an indefinite break) or whichever band Mr Matthew Reynolds is playing with at said time (currently Drawings) and since the only band currently on tour in the UK/Europe is Big D, you would have guessed right (or my Facebook status over the past few days may have given it away).

Anyway, Seb and I went to see Big D and the Kids Table twice these week and despite these shows being a part of the same tour they were both so different. Tuesday they played at The Peel in Kingston. The show was relaxed and felt so intimate despite the 50 odd people there. It felt everyone was there to see the band, enjoy the band and rock out to the band. AWESOME atmosphere. The band were fresh and played an awesome set. The first band, Chazikstan and the Von Bon Bon's (I think or also known as Chaz Palmer Williams and the full band experience) were really good. They were like the music child of Frank Turner and Gogol Bordello, I loved them. They played acoustically on the dancefloor in front of the audience for a number of songs and then made there way on stage to continue the performance. Chaz is  a former member of the legendary ska-punk band, Lightyear. His lyrics were funny and the band were tight. I will definitely aim to see them again. The next band Random Hand, well there's something there I just do not like about them, their music, their egos? not sure which one. Anyway they play ska-metal, I guess you could call it. I like their ska bits but then suddenly it goes all ahh-head-bang-kick-the-people-around-you-as-you-mosh-ahh. And I just quite simply do not like it. And then came the one and only Big D and the f*cking Kids Tables (any fans will recognise that from the recording version of Little Bitch on How it goes). Big D were amazing, people were dancing, the band appeared to be having a good time. It was the first show of the tour and everyone seemed to be happy. There was great band-audience interaction and the music flowed for a good hour. I was sweatier than a pig in a blanket by the end of the show. I rocked my socks off. Everyone just had a good time. We stayed back at the end of the show to get some merch. The queue was huge. I wanted the  book by David McWane called 'The Modern American Gypsy'. I've read a third of it so far and it is hilarious. It is a collection of short travel stories of the bands time on the road with a collection of poems. It's a really funny read and I just can't get enough of it. Whilst we waited Seb took me up to David, the lead singer of the band and asked him if he made his own 'Republicans are insane' T-shirt. Dave said 'yeah', Seb said 'well check this out' and pointed to me. At which point I very embarrassingly showed him the tank-top I had customised with the words Try out your voice. Dave then asked me to take a photo and put it on his facebook, I was a little to embarrassed by this so he told me a story about his mother being a former member of the black panthers and how she got asked to leave. He said she loves their political songs and it would make her day to see the shirt. So I agreed. This is it. I was inspired by firstly the song and secondly the Occupy Movement. People are taking a stand for what they believe are inequalities in the distribution of wealth or in other words the rich are getting rich whilst the poor are getting poorer. This is not be how modern society works, we need a fairer system for all. If we all use our voices and democratic rights we can bring about change.  

Thursday we went to The Hydrant in Brighton (it's opposite a vintage fire station, great building) and the atmosphere was considerably different. The first band played an acoustic set again, but this time it was difficult to hear the vocalist because people were talking over the band. It felt like a classroom competition. Chaz got louder, the audience got louder, Chaz got louder, the audience got louder. So he went and played right in the middle of them. That soon made them quieter. They then got everyone involved by exchanging places, the band played on the dancefloor whilst the audience listened and performed on the stage. Entertaining. When Big D finally played, the audience were wild. Clearly it was a student town, almost all of the Lovers of Sound were drunk and only about 5 people put their hands up when the band asked 'Who has work tomorrow?'. The band were awesome again but I felt the audience spoilt it a bit, maybe it's just because I'm now 24 and no longer a student that I feel people should be more I dunno, maybe I mean less *ponders on the next word* DRUNK. Less drunk. I know, I know I was like that once but seriously.... I'd be one of a few drunk at a gig, now there all drunk as f*ck. The moment that made me annoyed about the audience was when some guy about 6ft decided it would be a great idea to jump from the stage steps on top of the girls at the front on the stage. As he did this they were not aware of the actions he was about to make and soon found themselves bent over the front of the stage, the amps had moved and this guy was on their backs. At which point he then proceeded to kick  my in the face, pushing my head in the speaker beside me. I WAS NOT HAPPY and nor did the band appear to be when they had their equipment sprawled across the stage. Luckily it was the last song. Anyway I hope they get more audiences like that at Kingston for the rest of their tour rather than the audience at Brighton.

If you like ska/punk/rockabilly then I highly recommend Big D and the Kids Table. They are awesome live and they seem like really great guys as well. All I've left to say is Thanks Big D for an awesome week, you made me remember how much I love seeing the bands I respect play live.


Sunday 13 November 2011

Recipe Exchange

I came up with this idea today whilst visiting the Good Food Show in London, yes it was full of yummy tasters and the company was fab... anyway the idea is a Recipe Exchange.

My ideas so far consist of the following:
1. People sign up to take part by leaving a comment or sending a private message to me.  I will then reply giving the full details and to ask for either your email/postal address.
2.  Each week/fortnight/month I give each person, the details of another person in the exchange.
3. You then send the selected person either by email/post a tried and tested (possibly favourite) recipe of your choosing.
4. Each week/fortnight/month you receive a new recipe to try out. 

I thought it would be really nice to send it in the post, so you write out your yummy recipe and decorate it to make it individual.

If you prefer to send it as an email, then write your recipe out in a word document, save to 97-2003 format and send. Again you could decorate your document to give the recipe sheet a bit of yourself. 

You can then collect your recipes together to create your very own recipe exchange recipe book.

What do you think? Any ideas to improve the method? Would you take part?
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

Saturday 12 November 2011

Today I made... A Button Tree

1. Today I made...

I adore buttons, I have buttons in jars, I have buttons on clothes (additional to those for buttoning up), I have buttons on necklaces, I have buttons on hair clips, I have buttons on earrings, I have buttons on buttons. Where you think I could have buttons, I have them. Well expect for there, ouch! that would hurt.  Anyway I think you get the idea of how much I LOVE BUTTONS. So today I thought I try something new.

A few years ago I made a photo frame for a friend (sorry no photos of it) and on that photo frame I attached a beautiful beaded wire tree. I took that idea today to make.... wait for it..... a button tree. It was slightly more complicated than the previous one I had made, the buttons were fiddly to attach and my back hurt so I got fed up half way through but none the less I completed it and this is the outcome.

Due to my poor photography you can't see the colours that well, it has a cute yellow and pink theme going on. I really liked the colours and whilst my wire wrapping techniques need some overdue practice, I will most certainly will be making more of these, so a tutorial will be on its way in the near future. However if you'd like instructions before them feel free to ask.

Hope you like the Button Tree.
Take care for now.